
Friday 4 October 2013

Tips Sambut/Celebrate Hari Jadi Anak

Ok, after celebrate birthday Baby H *refer my last 2 posts* nak share a bit on tips to celebrate birthday.

Klik Birthday Story 1 - 1st Birthday Baby H
Klik Birthday Story 2 - Behind Scenes 1st Birthday Baby H

Budget / Bajet
First n foremost, budget la yg paling penting sekali. Depends la jugak kat theme yg dipilih. So d best is better brainstorm birthday ideas dulu. How? Take some free good times...sit down n start googling for ideas sampai la puas hati. Bila dah brainstorm kita akan rasa lega sb kita roughly dah bole agak2 budgetnya.  

At this stage, at least kita dah tau nak buat theme apa, venue kat mana, decor yg mcm mana, invitation list brape org, foods to b served, etc.

In my case, myself yg google n search everything, Hubby ikut je sb x suka nak pening2kan kepala fikir itu ini. When I rasa this is d right ideas n match d theme, then I discuss n brief hubby on d rough budget. If ok, then proceed. Senang citer kan. Tapi budget ni ikut kemampuan masing2 la ye. 

Theme / Tema
Bila nak cari theme/tema ni a bit pening sikit. Tapi xpe relax take it easy. Nak senang relate d theme wt something yg anak2 suka la ye. 

Mcm I...Baby H mmg suke sgt 'Mickey Mouse' n 'Special Agent Oso'. Process tu jadi senang bila came across d mickey mouse custome kat Party World shop. Dah dpt theme yg sesuai...cute lagi tu! 
*next time kita buat theme 'Special Agent Oso' for Baby H ye*

Of course sometimes kita in 'sure-tak-sure' stage bila dah brainstorm n we got so many ideas, itu ini n for sure jadi confuse lost. But try to scale down d ideas to d minimum n pick d best of all. Ask for hubby's opinion or anyone kerrr. Lagi senang process tu nanti.

Birthday Costume / Baju Hari Jadi
Ada budget lebih or berkemampuan, better consider utk beli or sediakan birthday custome. Bila ada, rasa mcm birthday events tu jadik meriah coz jadik d highlights of d events la kan. Takpe la kalau beli, simpan utk kenang kenangan. Tak salah rasanya.

Thru my experience, both abang x pernah pun beli or sediakan birthday custome. Baby H was so lucky went thru d experience like this...rezeki Baby H la ye.

Birthday Cake / Kek Hari Jadi

Birthday cake pun penting ok..Google jugak for birthday cake ideas. Ikut theme or x ikut theme depends. As long as d cake decor n tastes ok...then oraittt. 

Birthday Decor / Dekorasi Hari Jadi

Kalau bole decor tu ikutla theme...sikit pun jadi la. Play around wt d theme colours or birthday props i.e. banner, hats, balloons, etc. If kita creative, bertambah berseri la event tu. Birthday event tu akan jadi lively coz colours n props tu menaikkan lagi suasana. And cari la warna2 terang yg bole menceriakan lagi suasana.

Ok kot tips2 kat atas tu ye...hopefully dpt membantu! hehe...

1 comment:

  1. Salam Sejahtera ............
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